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"If used the Milky Way Mastery course to learn on my own this time! I can tell you it is very well presented, easy to follow and understand. It has given me the knowledge and confidence I need to get out there and shoot without someone holding my hand LOL!"
Cindy Hill Studdard
If there was a simple way to take stunning pictures of the Milky Way… so striking and so unique that your friends beg you for prints… would you be interested?
What if you didn’t have to look up at the stars in frustration at your complicated camera, because you knew exactly how to set it up for the perfect shot?
My name is Josh Dunlop, and here’s something few people know: You can take amazing pictures of the stars, 10x better than you can imagine now, with nothing more than a basic dSLR camera.
Pictures so vibrant and bold that others might accuse you of stealing them from National Geographic.
99% Positive reviews
11,936 students
22 lessons (3 hours of video content)
4 FREE bonuses
Online & at your own pace
Downloadable onto any device
Language: English
Level: Beginner
You don’t need fancy equipment and you don’t need expensive training.
And I’m going to prove it to you.
Take a look at this...
I took this picture before discovering what I’m about to share with you. As you can see, it’s a decent picture but it won’t win any awards.
Now look at this… I took this picture just a week later. Same location, same camera, same equipment… slightly different tree!
During the week between my first and second photo, I attended a closed-door workshop with master Milky Way photographer, Casey Kiernan. One of the best in the world at what he does.
I went to him because he's like the Michael Jordan of Milky Way Photography, and he has the awards to prove it. His work has won the Gila Time-Lapse Film Festival, the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival and the California Film Awards. His pictures have been featured in CBS News, Al Jazeera, History Channel and more.
When professional photographers want to improve their night shots, they call Casey.
And when I met Casey, I already knew most of what there is to know about photography. I’ve been a photographer and trainer for over six years, with over 250,000 happy students, but I really didn’t know the first thing about Milky Way photography.
You see, everything I thought I knew about Milky Way photography was challenged...
I thought...
you needed top-of-the-line equipment. But there are techniques for taking pro-level shots with a newbie’s gear.
the process was complicated and hard to learn. The truth is it’s rather simple, once you have the right “roadmap”.
composing the scene in the dark would be tedious and time-consuming. But it turns out there’s a simple trick for trying different compositions fast.
When I first met Casey (on the right), I was a little embarrassed that I was fumbling around with my camera, struggling to get a half-decent shot.
The longer I spent with Casey, the more “facts” I thought I knew were corrected. After just a single day, my approach to Milky Way photography improved ten-fold.
The things I learned from him forever changed how I think about, and approach taking photos of the stars. With his help, it was simple!
Milky Way Mastery is a High Definition video course on the art and science of astrophotography. It shows you how to take magazine-quality pictures of the night sky without being a pro photographer and without fancy equipment.
Casey Kiernan and I collaborated on this course, and it’s the first of its kind. This is the only course taught by an award-winning photographer that reveals methods the weekend photographer can use to great effect.
Some of the skills you're going to gain include:
The exact camera settings we use 98% of the time – make good shots foolproof!
Why most panoramas fall flat… and how to make yours great
Where and how to focus for maximum results
The do’s and don’ts of white balance and colour temperature
5 simple accessories I never leave home without (and you shouldn’t either)
A simple way to avoid camera vibrations
Sneaky tricks to add depth to your photograph for a 3D effect
How to add “illuminated foreground interest” with a few easy steps, and more…
The “secret” to exceptional astrophotography isn’t your gear… it’s how you use it. Milky Way Mastery shows you how to use average equipment to take way above average pictures.
One of the best parts is that every technique is taught with common language! Even though Milky Way Mastery gives you an advanced skill set, it shares (and demonstrates) every technique without a bunch of jargon.
Here, check it out for yourself:
Even if you struggled in school… or aren’t the greatest at grasping new skills… you’re going to be shocked by how easy it feels to absorb this information.
Picture this.
Before you leave your house, you already know exactly where you’ll find the darkest skies in your area, and you have your camera setup and ready to shoot.
You arrive at the location without a single worry about composition. Finding the right stars feels almost automatic now that you know a couple of little tricks.
You point your camera up and shoot.
Less than a minute later, you have a photo that's so exciting you won't stop shooting until all of your batteries are dead.
15 minutes later you're adding all kinds of interesting foreground objects, such as quirky trees, dilapidated old buildings, and winding roads to make your photos more striking.
When you're done, you have a selection of images so beautiful they command respect from even the most seasoned photographers. Images with so much “pop” and vibrancy they’re good enough to sell. Perhaps the most breathtaking… crystal clear… and exciting photographs you’ve ever taken.
Sound far-fetched? That’s what I thought too.
And then I attended Casey’s workshop. Within one day of absorbing his approach, I took most of the pictures you now see on this web page.
Just one day. That’s all it took for my work to take a quantum leap forward!
Normally the experts keep astrophotography techniques close to the vest, because they can charge hefty fees for training. There’s never been an easy or affordable way for regular people to master Milky Way photography. Until now...
Maybe the worst part about dSLRs is they can be complicated. The best part about dSLRs is you can do much more with an entry-level camera than 95% of photographers realise.
You do NOT need top-of-the-line gear for "Milky Way Mastery". In fact, during this course we show you why old fashioned accessories can often better for astrophotography!
Of course, cameras are not created equal. And lenses do matter. But you don’t need to get a second mortgage to capture jaw-dropping night time photographs.
Did you know the USA alone generates 1.1 billion kilowatt-hours of lighting per night? That’s the energetic equivalent of 2 hydrogen bombs. Startling, but true.
All that light pollution has the nasty side effect of blotting out the stars. That makes astrophotography difficult, unless you know how to find the darkest spots. And dark spots exist in almost every area.
In Milky Way Mastery, we’ve dedicated an entire section to help you identify the darkest spots in your local area. We also give you a detailed strategy for planning your night shots so you can avoid wasted time.
We go into detail on...
How to find the darkest skies near you for the best possible results (Perfect for those that live in “light polluted” areas)
An easy way to read the different stars and constellations in the night sky
The only shooting mode you’ll ever need for stunning night time pictures
How to mitigate noise without post-processing (there's a half-hidden setting in your camera)
The secret to making stars “pop”
Even if you live in London or New York City, you don’t need to travel as far as you may think to capture great night time photographs. But you need certain information and you need a good plan. This course gives you both.
Check out the photo below... it was shot just outside a major city, with a yellow light pollution warning. However, I was still able to capture the Milky Way in all its glory:
With over 250,000 students, photographers love our training. But don’t just take our word for it, check out what some of them have to say about “Milky Way Mastery”:
John Diehl
The training was fantastic. What impressed me most was the way it was taught for beginners like me. Too many times I have purchased courses for beginners and found that it was more for the intermediate photographer. This was very supportive as it taught what to do first and in easy to follow and remember steps. I did take a lot of notes for future reference which helped me as I practiced what I learned. Great job. Well worth my time.
I always wanted to take photos of the milky way. I read books on the subject as well as watching countless youtube videos. The photos never seem to come out. I thought it was just me and that I would just have to keep my camera on auto mode until I found this course. Everything is explained brilliantly and having videos showing you exactly how to do things is very helpful. I now have the confidence to use manual mode and to use my camera properly all thanks to this course.
Alice Jones
Cindy Hill Studdard
I used the Milky Way Mastery course to learn on my own this time! I can tell you it is very well presented, easy to follow and understand. It has given me the knowledge and confidence I need to get out there and shoot without someone holding my hand LOL!
I want to thank you for your course, and for encouraging people to get out there and try. Like you say, it's really easier than you would think. The main thing is finding dark sky, especially at the horizon, and a clear night. Then with some patience and experimentation you can capture the Milky Way, and amaze your friends :-)
Bob Young
James Jacobs
My fear was whether I would be able to follow the instructions at who-knows-what-time of the morning. My favourite part was when I was in the Baja at a whale watching adventure. The first night out all I saw was some clouds - later informed that was the Milky Way. The second night all went according your instruction...all the settings, etc. After that, all was good. I don't think I would have captured the moment without this instruction. The recommendations are great, concise and to the point.
Scott Branton
David Schmidt
Brennan Wenck-Reilly
This circumpolar image was made by stacking 180 pictures, 30s each, and the foreground was illuminated with two LED lights at 10% intensity.
Heracleo Hernandez Gonzalez
Mike Young
One of the most common misconceptions about Milky Way photography is that you need top-of-the-line gear.
In this course, we’ll prove that even with an entry-level camera you can take stunning photos of the night sky.
We’ll show you:
The affordable accessories we use
Our simple planning process for night photography
Camera and lenses you need
What to look for in a tripod for night photography
When you’re shooting the night sky, it’s more than an advantage to know when and where to shoot.
In this module we’ll discuss:
How to use the North Star to know which constellations you’re shooting
Why a moonless sky is your friend when you’re capturing a photo of the Milky Way
When and where you can capture the perfect Milky Way arch
In this section, it’s all about getting that stunning picture-perfect Milky Way shot.
We go into detail on:
What exposure settings will grant you the best results
How to get the focus right even if it’s pitch black outside
Why adding a foreground interest is a good way to elevate your image
How to use “the 500 rule” to know the ideal shutter speed for avoiding motion blur in the stars
And much more…
The final step is post-processing your images. This is when you bring out the colors of the night sky and highlight the arch of the Milky Way.
We’ll reveal:
our complete guide on processing your Milky Way photos in Lightroom
how to install presets to make your night sky pop with just one click
how you can add more detail to your photos by using Lightroom’s panorama feature
how to capture the moving stars in one shot
Milky Way photography is so unlike other forms of photography, it can be hard to remember every step when you’re starting out.
From the gear you have to pack, to the conditions you can shoot in, it’s easy to overlook an important detail.
That’s why we’ve worked with our designer to make a simple preparation checklist that covers every aspect of Milky Way photography.
From finding the perfect conditions to setting the camera up for great shots, you’ll always be prepared to take great photos!
Steel Wool Photography is fun and easy, once you know how to do it. But like all forms of photography, there’s a right way and a wrong way (and in this case, a safe way) to go about it.
Steel Wool Photography Premium shows you:
5 strange items you need to successfully do steel wool photography
How to play with fire while staying safe
How to fill the frame with sparks and flames
Creative shapes you can make with the sparks
How to make sparks fly in every direction (Hint: The steel itself is key!)
Have you ever wanted to explore light painting? Now you can, with the key strategies the pros use to do this popular form of “trick photography”.
Light Painting Made Easy shows you:
How to write your name in the sky
What camera settings to use and why
Cheap and fun light sources to “paint” with
How to light a scene the easy and cheap way
Examples of all the concepts being used in real photographs
You’re also getting the exact Lightroom presets Casey and I combine to make our Milky Way photography more powerful. These are pro-level presets, designed to make the most of your RAW files.
Neither of us have shared them with the public before. They’re easy to use, and add more “pop” to your imagery.
Beyond the presets themselves, you’ll get a feel for why professionals use presets. Seeing how we created ours will better prepare you to create your own.
Our 250,000+ customers love our courses and we're confident you'll love this too. So confident, in fact, that we're offering these two industry-leading guarantees.
Guarantee #1: If you don't think "Milky Way Mastery" is the best money you've spent on your Milky Way photography... send me an email. I'll provide you with a full refund – no questions asked.
Guarantee #2: If you DO what's recommended, and your results aren't great, I'll refund double your money. All I ask is that you give it an honest effort. How's that for fair?
If I could give you a guaranteed method for taking some of the most powerful photographs of your life, how much would that be worth?
Taking great Milky Way pictures is on the bucket list for most photographers, myself included. There’s something special about it. Knowing you can capture images that most photographers can’t, gives you this irreplaceable, exhilarating rush.
Last year I was on Big Island, Hawaii, and I ran down to the beach to capture the milky way in the sky, and boy did it impress my friends! I don’t usually check this sort of thing, but it’s the most liked photo I’ve ever posted on my private Facebook profile!
Here, check it out:
Not to mention, it’s one of the most fun types of photography you can master. You connect with nature in a new way and really bring your portfolio to life. What more can you ask for?
The thing is this. Milky Way photography is such a unique area that training can be pricey. Workshops at $1,000.00 or more aren’t uncommon. That’s the reason so few cross it off their bucket list.
Personally, if knew of a guaranteed way to master Milky Way photography, and it cost only $1,197.00, I would snatch it up in a heartbeat…
And I did exactly that! That’s how much a 3-night workshop with Casey Kiernan cost me, and it was worth every penny.
What’s fantastic is this course covers everything Casey teaches in his closed-door workshop. And more. Together we’ve expanded the content, while making it easier to grasp and use.
Plus, we’re giving away our Milky Way Preparation Checklist ($49 value), Steel Wool Photography Premium ($99 value), Light Painting Made Easy ($149 value), and Lightroom Presets For Astro ($99 value) as free bonuses!
But you won’t be paying $1,593.00 today. You won’t even be paying $599.00. Or even half of that.
Night Photography Gear (4 Videos; 34 minutes)
Knowing the Night Sky (3 Videos; 8 minutes)
Shooting The Milky Way (11 Videos; 75 minutes)
Post Processing (4 Videos; 36 minutes)
Total Value:
Milky Way Preparation Checklist
Steel Wool Photography Premium (Video)
Light Painting Made Easy (3 Videos)
Lightroom Presets for Astro
Total Value:
But you won't be paying $1,042.00 today. You won't even be paying $299.00. Or even half of that.
But hurry! Only the next 500 copies are discounted!
Save an amazing $943.00 before the countdown ends:
As you can tell, this is a staggeringly low price. These courses together should retail for over $700, and you’re getting all of them for less than 10% of that.
But like I said, there is a catch.
You see, in exchange for this discounted rate, I’d like to ask a small favour. When you get your copy, can you email me your feedback on it?
This will require no effort on your part - you’ll receive an email a couple of weeks after you get your copy, and you can reply directly. A single sentence would be helpful.
And that’s it. Pretty easy “catch”, right?
I just want to get as much feedback as possible so I can continue to improve the course.
As this is a limited-time sale, I’m only offering this discount for the next 500 customers. I expect about 30% to respond to our email, and feedback from 150 people is more than enough to get all of the customer feedback we need.
Your portfolio will have some of the most vivid and vibrant pictures of the stars above.
Your loved ones will be amazed by how much you’ve improved. Your confidence will have grown immensely, and you’ll realise just how easily the skills you gained through Milky Way photography translate to photography in general.
In short: You’ll be a better, more exciting and more excited photographer.
But only when you choose to act.
You see, some might choose to do nothing. They won’t “do nothing” on purpose, it’s usually procrastination. They bookmark a page like this and think they’ll come back to it later.
Three months pass and they find themselves in the same exact position they were before. Still thwarted by a camera that feels too complicated. Taking pictures that are not up to their full potential. Feeling the creative urge but unable to turn what they “see” into real pictures like this:
I wouldn’t be where I am today, capturing professional Milky Way images movies, while improving my photography skills, if I hadn’t chosen to act.
You have a chance to do things differently. Milky Way Mastery is your path to becoming a much better, more fulfilled photographer. But it’s up to you to take the first step.
The choice is yours.
Yours Truly,
Josh Dunlop
Founder, Expert Photography
P.S. - You’re getting everything you need to take magazine-quality Milky Way photographs, AND you’re getting the Milky Way Preparation Checklist ($49), the Steel Wool Photography Premium ($99), Light Painting Made Easy ($149), and Lightroom Presets For Astro ($99) for FREE. But remember - 500 is the magic number.